Villa Holiday Poroszló

Lake Tisza (Tisza-tó)

SZEP card acceptance




Independent house and garden

3 bedrooms

Up to 8 persons

Open all year


️️Water tours

Who would miss the opportunity of taking a canoe or boat when spending any time at Lake Tisza? It’s easy to rent a (power)boat ️or canoe in Poroszló, and anchors aweigh!🙂 Lake Tisza is the second largest lake in Hungary, 127 km2. There is so much to see that days would not be enough. Islands, narrow aisles, a once-upon-a-time village under the water, water birds, birds of prey, turtles, otters, beavers. And even if not landing in your boat you’ll surely see fish popping out of the water. In case you did not try it before it’s high time to do it this year!


Lake Tisza Ecocentre, Poroszló

Since its opening in 2012 Lake Tisza Ecocentre is one of the most wanted attractions in the region. It offers a whole-day programme:

  • The 2600 m2 main building includes exhibitions, a conference hall, a 3D cinema, a children’s playhouse, a gazebo with 360 degree panoramic view.
  • Europe’s largest, 735.000 liter fresh water aquarium system
  • Recreation park with zoo and challenging playgrounds
  • Boat tours supported by GPS navigation
  • Audioguide in English, German ️️and Polish

One of our favorite places, so much that we held our wedding here!


Thermal spas

Most of our guests visited thermal spas during their stay in Poroszló. You can find Thermal spas in Poroszló and in the neighbouring villages, towns too. Based on our experience it’s worth visiting them all. They all are different. You’ll see the top of the aquaparks and retro baths as well, all of them offering outstanding healing water and buffet (fish and corn on the cob). The earth’s crust in Hungary is 10 km thinner the average, the hot magma is closer to the surface. The temperature towards the center of our Earth increases by 1 °C after every 33 meters in Europe, in average, in Hungary this is 20 meters, some places only 15 meters. Thermal water reach surface naturally as springs, and the rest as artificial wells, as a result of search for oil, gas or thermal water. Every spa has its own unique water, we can easily distinguish them by colour and odour. Their medicinal effects are published always by the operators. Besides the local Poroszló thermal spa our gests visited these baths: Miskolctapolca, Mezőkövesd (Zsóry fürdő), Debrecen, Hajdúszoboszló, Tiszafüred, Tiszaörsfürdő, Berekfürdő, Tiszaújváros.

Source: gyogyvizek .hu/hirek/furdokulturank-tortenete-pannoniatol-napjainkig.html




Lake-Tisza is a fishing paradise, where you can fish from the bank or from boat. During winter it’s ice-fishing time! In the lake there are deeper ditches and shallow parts. 65 different fish species live in the lake, bream, carp, catfish, walleye amongst them. The coastal fishing points can be reached by car, to rent a boat and buy tickets in Poroszló is very easy. If you prefer river-fishing, then you need to go only a few kilometers and you can enjoy your time at our famous Tisza river. Fishing is also one of our favorite activities, as you may see from the pictures. We just read something cool: „If someone says you fish too much, stop talking to them.”

Cycling around the lake

Lake Tisza is easy to cycle around. The route starting in Poroszló, through Tiszafüred is about 66 kms. There is no level-difference, neither many crossroads. You’ll see only a few cars, it’s a simple and great activity even with children. Lake-view all the way and you will find buffets, beaches in case you would like to have a break. There is rental possibility in Poroszló, near the port. There is a short, 7 kms long section between Poroszló and Tiszafüred where there is no bike lane, need to pay a little more attention there. The buffets are worth stopping, their meals are surprisingly tasty.
